Oats are coarse grains. Frequent eating of oat flakes will burden the human body’s stomach and intestines, increase the probability of the human body suffering from indigestion, and cause abdominal distension, loss of appetite, and other symptoms, which will bring harm to human health.
Eating oatmeal with spinach can sometimes cause stomach cramps in the human body, causing stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and other adverse reactions. In addition, there are some disadvantages of eating oats daily.
Long-term consumption of oatmeal will bring discomfort to the duodenum and even increase the occurrence of liver cirrhosis. Therefore, eating oatmeal in moderation and intermittently is necessary to avoid harm to your health.
Disadvantages of eating oats daily for breakfast

May easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort
Eating oatmeal for breakfast for a long time can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort. In addition, because oatmeal is a coarse grain with high dietary fiber content, it is difficult to digest in the stomach.
Can resulting malnutrition
Although oatmeal is rich in nutrients, breakfast is about comprehensive and balanced nutrition. Therefore, it would be best if you eat high-protein and high-vitamin diets, such as eggs and green vegetables, while eating oatmeal to avoid nutrient deficiencies, which will affect the body.
Not suitable for everyone
At the same time, you should note that oatmeal is not suitable for everyone. For example, babies, the elderly, and people with poor gastrointestinal function are not recommended to eat oatmeal for breakfast for a long time.
Can cause indigestion
People with poor gastrointestinal functions have less gastric juice secretion and slower gastrointestinal peristalsis. Therefore, after eating oatmeal, it is easy to cause indigestion, which leads to the retention of oatmeal in the gastrointestinal tract for too long, which can easily lead to abdominal distension, diarrhea, and belching, etc.
Caution when eating pregnant women and teens
For pregnant and lactating women, eating oatmeal for breakfast for a long time may lead to poor physical fitness and reduced milk secretion. Eating cereal for breakfast in developing teens can lead to malnutrition, slow growth, etc.
Can reduce some drug absorption
In addition, patients taking hypolipidemic and psychotropic drugs for a long time should not eat oatmeal for a long time, which can reduce the absorption of drugs in the human body, thereby reducing the efficacy of drugs.
It would be best if you diversified your breakfast. You can eat oatmeal, but not for a long time. You can change it properly every day. For example, you can eat oatmeal this morning and bread or buns tomorrow morning. You can’t eat oatmeal alone, but with eggs, milk, soy milk, vegetable, and fruit.
Disadvantages of eating oatmeal for a long time
Eating oatmeal for a long time is prone to symptoms of indigestion because oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, which is not easily digested by itself. Therefore, eating it for a long time makes it easy to cause indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, symptoms of intestinal spasms.
At the same time, it will also affect the absorption of other nutrients, so people with bad stomachs should eat less oatmeal because eating too much oatmeal will make it difficult to digest.
Second, it is easy to cause flatulence because oatmeal is rich in dietary cellulose, and cellulose is not easily digested in the stomach and small intestine.
If too much oatmeal is used for a long time, a large amount of crude fiber will accumulate in the intestine. So that the gas in the intestinal tract cannot be excreted from the body, and then there will be bloating. Therefore, the amount of oatmeal you need to eat depends on your body type.
Disadvantages of eating oats at night
Although oatmeal contains a small amount of sugar and dietary fiber, it is not low in calories, and eating it at dinner will still make people fat. The correct way to eat it should be to eat it with milk in the morning. It can supplement the human body’s various nutrients, promote intestinal peristalsis, and prevent constipation.
There are not many nutrients in oatmeal, and eating it as dinner for a long time will cause insufficient nutrients in the human body, resulting in malnutrition.
What happens when you eat too much oatmeal?
It will easily cause indigestion. Oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, which is not easy to digest. Therefore, eating too much at one time is more likely to cause indigestion and even stomach cramps. It also affects the absorption of other nutrients.
Especially for people with a bad stomach, eating more oats is more difficult to digest. Oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, which is not easily digested in the stomach and small intestine. Eating too much oatmeal will cause a lot of crude fiber to accumulate in the intestines, making the other intestines unable to excrete them and prone to flatulence.

Who should not eat oats
Oatmeal is not suitable for everyone, and the following 7 types of people should not eat it.
- Diabetic patients
The sugar content in some oatmeal is very high, especially in fruit oatmeal, so diabetic patients should eat less to avoid aggravating their condition.
- People with iron deficiency and calcium deficiency
Oatmeal contains a lot of phytic acids and oxalic acid. These substances will always absorb iron and calcium. Therefore, people with iron deficiency and calcium deficiency should eat less oatmeal.
- People with kidney disease
Oatmeal contains a lot of protein, potassium, phosphorus, and other ingredients. Therefore, for people with kidney disease, it is recommended to eat less oatmeal.
- People with bad stomachs
Oatmeal contains a lot of vitamins, cellulose, and other ingredients. Therefore, excessive consumption will increase the burden on the human stomach. Therefore, those with bad stomachs should eat less oatmeal.
- Those who are allergic to gluten
Oatmeal contains a lot of gluten. People who are allergic to gluten should eat oatmeal with caution to avoid allergic reactions such as skin itching, hives, swelling or abdominal pain, nausea, etc.
- People with diarrhea
Eating oatmeal in moderation can promote digestion to a certain extent. Therefore, people with diarrhea better should avoid it. The gastrointestinal function is weak during the period of diarrhea.
- Patients with liver cirrhosis
The function of the digestive tract of patients with liver cirrhosis is not good, and the dietary fiber content of oatmeal is high. Therefore, eating oatmeal for people with liver cirrhosis will increase their digestive burden, which is not conducive to their recovery.
Read more about people who should avoid eating oatmeal
How much oats a day
About 40 grams.
It is not advisable to eat too much oatmeal at one time. Oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, and cellulose is not easily digested in the stomach and small intestine. Therefore, if you overeat oatmeal, a large amount of crude fiber will accumulate in the intestinal tract, making the intestinal tract hard to digest.
It will cause difficulties in extracting other substances in the intestinal tract. So it is prone to indigestion symptoms such as abdominal distension and flatulence. Therefore, it is necessary to control the amount every time you eat it; the daily intake is about 40 grams.
What are the negative effects of oats?
Eating oats may occur gas and bloating. Also, overeating may lead to malnutrition. So, it is best to avoid overeating and always go with moderation.
Is oats heat or cold for body?
Oatmeal is mild in nature, neither a cold food nor a warm food. It is a food with relatively high nutritional value and is rich in fat and protein.
Can I eat oats on empty stomach?
You can eat oatmeal on an empty stomach. Oatmeal is recognized as a healthy dietary fiber in the world. It is rich in nutrients, has the effect of laxatives, and removes garbage in the body.
How much is too much oats?
Eating about 30 to 50 grams of oatmeal in the morning is enough. Don’t eat more oats; always try mixing them with other foods.
Do oats cause constipation?
Eating oatmeal does not cause constipation. Oatmeal is a kind of coarse grain that is very rich in dietary fiber. Eating oatmeal can have a specific effect on reducing constipation, so oatmeal will not cause constipation.