Many people eat fruits almost every day, and there are many types of fruits. Different fruits have different effects, such as protecting the heart. So, do you know what fruit to eat is good for the heart? Let’s find out together!

Don’t be discouraged by the fat content in avocados; that’s why it tops the diet food list. This heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acid in avocados increases satiety, making it an excellent party food.

American studies have shown that people who regularly eat apples or drink apple juice have a significantly lower risk of heart disease. This is because apples contain many antioxidants, preventing arteriosclerosis in the heart and reducing the (bad) cholesterol LDL content in the blood. Thereby apples are reducing the risk of heart disease.

Blueberries contain ingredients that help dilate blood vessels, reducing the risk of blood clots and heart disease. Studies have found that eating more than 5 servings of blueberries per week can reduce the risk of heart disease.

These little sour prunes are famous in the summer, but they offer so many health benefits (especially for women) that it’s good to eat them all year long. In addition to the other berry benefits mentioned above, cranberries are a top as they increase HDL (good cholesterol) and help prevent urinary tract infections.

Experts from the Cardiovascular Disease Research Center of the University of Michigan found that the pigments in red fruits and vegetables such as cherries and tomatoes can significantly reduce the risk of inflammation related to arteriosclerosis. Thereby, Cherries help reduce the risk of heart disease, and it is one of the good fruits to protect the heart.

Kiwi is good heart-protecting fruit. It is rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and pectin, effectively reducing blood cholesterol levels. In addition, kiwifruit is also rich in arginine. As a result, it can effectively improve blood flow, prevent the formation of blood clots, and help reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction, and arteriosclerosis.

The grapefruit pulp is pink and tender, juicy and refreshing, with a slightly bitter taste, but it fits the heart’s favorite food characteristics. Grapefruit contains potassium but no sodium and is said to be the best fruit for cardiovascular maintenance. In addition, it contains natural vitamin P, which can enhance the detoxification function of the skin and pores.

Strawberries are heart-healthy berries that high in vitamins. They’re also a good source of folate; a nutrient thought to protect the heart (though this claim hasn’t been proven by research). In addition, like blueberries, they contain chemicals that dilate arteries and prevent platelets from clotting.

Raspberries are packed with heart-healthy fiber, and these sweet berries yield 4g of fiber in just half a cup. It also supplements 25% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and manganese. In addition, raspberries are low in fat and contain high levels of polyphenols, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Try adding these delicious treats to your meals.